Click on the Pictures to meet our team
Not all team members will be on every investigation - Team members depend on size of location and Clients Preference
Gareth has been interested in the paranormal since the age of seven, Gareth has been researching about the paranormal since then. He wanted to start this group because there is this other side that we don't understand and he would like to learn more. His first run in with the paranormal was when he saw a spectral dog at his parents house.
Hello my name is Allison Hughes. I'm married with 4 children, 1 boy & 3 girls. I have always been fascinated by Ghosts and Spirits for as long as I can remember as young as a child. I have had strange encounters with people who will tell me many things about myself and also I have angels and guardians all around me. My first experience which I will remember always in detail when I was 12 years old & my Grandfather who I loved deeply passed away he visited me twice.
Danielle is the one of 2 resident First aiders and Health and Safety officer. Danielle also leads the EVP sessions when out in the field. Danielle is currently studying Biomedical Science in University and brings her scientific outlook and her yearning for further knowledge to our investigations.
Richard has been with the team for a few years now. He is a great investigator who is keen to find a explanation for anything he encounters. He is a great asset to the team.
I'm Hannah, I'm a Media Student. I've always been curious about 'the other side' and the paranormal since i can remember. "Is there life after death?" is a question that, for me, will always need answering. My curiosity for this brought me to create a documentary on the subject as part of my coursework. Gareth and the team invited me on an investigation at Shire Hall to study their investigation and I really enjoyed it, they therefore offered me a place as an investigator, naturally I accepted.
Amanda is one of the new editions to the team and relishes in her role as Field Investigator. She is keen to learn and is the first to try out experimental setups and ideas. She also is one of the braver members of the team